
Ipswich Epilepsy Support Group is not responsible for the content of external internet sites. Other sources of help are available.
n.b. All concessions are subject to terms and conditions

epilepsy society
Epilepsy Society

a full life for everyone affected by epilepsy

epilepsy action
Epilepsy Action

exist to improve the lives of everyone affected by epilepsy

Disabled Bus Pass
Disabled Persons Free Travel Bus Pass

Refusal of your application for a driving license may entitle you to free off-peak bus travel anywhere in England.

Cinema Exhibitors’ Association Card
Cinema Exhibitors’ Association Card

For a small annual payment you can purchase a CEA card which will entitle you to ONE free cinema ticket for the person accompanying you to enable you to visit the cinema.

Disabled Persons Railcard
Disabled Persons Rail Card

Prohibition from driving may entitle you to a Disabled Persons Railcard that allows a 1/3 off train fares for yourself and/or adult companion.

ipswich DAB
Ipswich Disabled Advice Bureau

For advice on benefits eligibility and disability issues.

Chalfont Centre
Chalfont Centre – epilepsy care

the UK’s largest epilepsy specialist provider of care services.

Addenbrooke’s Epilepsy services

Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Epilepsy Services

Ipswich Hospital
The Ipswich Hospital

Your health, your choices

Ipswich Hospital
The Ipswich Hospital

Meet the neurology team

West Suffolk
West Suffolk NHS Trust

Epilepsy service

Epilepsy Foundation
Epilepsy Foundation

Community Services and Support

Epilepsy Foundation Seizure Dogs
Epilepsy Foundation Seizure Dogs

They are an alarm system. They are helpers, protectors and service providers. So-called seizure response dogs can be all these things – and more

Epilepsy Support Dogs
Epilepsy Support Dogs

Charity training disability assistance dogs including seizure alert dogs and medical assistance dogs. Includes fostering, socialising and adoption details and latest.

Equality Advisory and Support Service

The Helpline advises and assists individuals on issues relating to equality and human rights.


Help & advice for employers and employees.

PIP resources
PIP – Gov.UK
Benefits available in Northern Ireland
c-APP: Need help applying for PIP or ESA?
Turn2Us Benefits calculator
PIP Mandatory Reconsideration Tool