Monthly Archives: May 2016

2016 Epilepsy Quiz Night

The Ipswich Epilepsy Support Group would like to thank the following companies for there donations to our grand draw on May 6th 2016.

Tesco Extra, Sainsburys, The New Wolsey Theatre,Coes of Ipswich, King Pin Bowling, Crown Pools, Delvaux, Robinsons Hair and Beauty, Namco Funscape, Riverside Theatre, Ipswich Regent, clarice House, Bears Bowling, Barretts of Woodbridge and also Westgate Ward Social club for letting us hold our yearly quiz there.

We would also like to thank everyone for there help and support and making this a successfull evening and raising a grand total of £786 hope to see you all next year.

Fantastic support for our “Charity Day” from Willis

On Thursday, 24th March, we set up our Cake Sale stalls in the foyer of the Willis building in Ipswich. We had a fantastic day and raised the grand sum of £1,362.36 which will help us continue our work and provide help and support to those who care for and or suffer from epilepsy.

Whereas this was our first attempt at such an event, we were encouraged by the wonderful and spontaneous comments regarding the presentation, quality and pricing of the cakes.

Our success was due to many people and we would like to thank;
•Mrs Vicky Chapman and the Willis Charity Committee for approving and facilitating this event.
•Jody Montgomery and the Willis Security team for their advice and help in setting up our stalls.
•All those who made and contributed the cakes and savouries for our sale.
•Lily Dragu for her wonderful cake creation.
•Our volunteers Mrs Pam Purnell, Mrs Sheila Cooper, Mrs Tania Moore, Mrs Beverly Gilbert, Mr Malcolm Gilbert, Mrs Charlotte Incoll and Mrs Brenda Naylor.
And, most importantly, the encouragement, support and generosity of all the Willis employees.

photo - charity day willis