Monthly Archives: September 2019

Take Action

If you’re not sure what to say to people when they ask how they can support you during a tonic-clonic seizure, Epilepsy Action has a handy acronym. You can let people know that following these simple steps can make all the difference to someone having a seizure.

A ssess
Assess the situation and remove any nearby objects that could cause injury.

C ushion
Cushion their head (with a jumper,for example) to protect them from head injury.

T ime
Check the time -if the jerking lasts for longer than five minutes, you should call an ambulance.

I dentity
Look for a medical bracelet or ID card-it may give you information about the person’s seizure and what to do.

O ver
Once the jerking has stopped, put them on their side. Stay with them and reassure them as they come around.

N ever
Never restrain the person, put something in their mouth or try to give them food or drink.

Epilepsy Action always advises that you call an ambulance if:
You know it’s a persons first seizure or the seizure lasts for more than five minutes or one seizure appears to follow another without the person gaining consciousness in between or the person is injured or you believe the person needs urgent medical attention.

On The Case

One thing many of us find difficult is the unpredictability of seizures.
Sometimes,they come with no warning and no trigger,and there is no way of no way to plan around them.
Preparing those close to you about what they can do when you have a seizure is a really good thing to do where possible. But you may not always be with someone you know or who knows you when you have a seizure.

Why not try out this handy trick?

If you have a clear case for your mobile phone, put a first aid card in it-it’ll be the first thing people see. You can get a card from:
Soure Epilepsy Action