If I’m not just talking to myself depending on the severity of your epilepsy there are benefits out there that suffers of epilepsy may be eligible for so for form filling and any benefit related advice totally free and totally confidential contact the Ipswich Disabled Advice Bureau on 01473 217313 or contact your nearest advice service or Citizen Advice Bureau for addresses and phone numbers please go to the relevant website for more information. Our links tab also has some information. They are there to help you.
Depending on your situation you may also be eligible for Fuel and Food vouchers to find out more about this contact your nearest advice centre.
Don’t forget the group may be able to totally or partially fund aids adaptions and certain white good or respite care for people who suffer from Epilepsy in the Suffolk area subject to Committee approval and funding.
Finally the group would also like to wish everyone a Happy and Safe Christmas and a Happy New Year.